Why Tea? Good Question. How about another?
Ok…so tea is simple in that you take a thing, put it in a liquid, then drink it.
However it isn’t simple since I need to say “thing” because there is so much out there that you can use to make tea. I must say liquid because you can and should use milk, or other consumable beverages as the solution for your concoction for certain tea. I didn’t even feel entirely comfortable saying “drink it” due to the fact that I know a lovely woman who uses dandelion tea to make a dessert syrup that can be eaten on fresh bread. It is an enigma but an enduring concept that will continue to exist long after I cease to exist.
Okay, brass tax, my wife and I chose to blend tea for a few reasons; we needed a job, we drink a lot of tea. That might be it, but we don’t like to overcomplicate things when we don’t have to...
We live in a community that is lush with quality produce. Our apples, peaches, pears, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and much more are grown here where we live. Thanks to the skills and efforts of the farmers in our area we are able to gather the best produce to use in our craft of blending tea. The rest we ensure to source high quality single origin organic botanicals or locally purchased goods when filling each bag.
We wanted a profession that I could perform alongside my wife so that we would be able to spend our days together instead of filling each other in during the few hours we’d get at the end of an evening in our old life. Now, we spend our days in the kitchen cleaning, prepping, drying, creating, blending and drinking tea. Occasionally there is dancing and singing.
Is this life for everyone? Certainly not, but I think we made the best choice for ourselves.